Mutoh Printhead

Mutoh Drafstation RJ-900C / RJ-901C DX5 Printhead


Mutoh Drafstation RJ-900C / RJ-901C DX5 Printhead

USD 478.00

Original Mutoh Drafstation RJ-900C / 901C dx5 Printhead - DG-44246To be used with: Mutoh RJ-900C (Drafstation) / RJ-901C (Drafstation Pro) / RJ-900X (Drafstation)Note: DG-44246 rep..

Mutoh RJ-8000 Water Printhead (DX4)


Mutoh RJ-8000 Water Printhead (DX4)

USD 198.00

Mutoh RJ-8000 Water Printhead (DX4)Description:  Epson DX4 original, water-based print head suitable for Roland, Mutoh and Mimaki water-based printers. The DX4 waterbased..

Mutoh Rockhopper II (Mutoh RH-II) / RJ-8000 Eco Solvent Printhead (DX4)-MY-44743


Mutoh Rockhopper II (Mutoh RH-II) / RJ-8000 Eco Solvent Printhead (DX4)-MY-44743

USD 211.00

Description:This original, solvent resistant printhead is suitable for the Mutoh Rockhopper II printers. This is the Mutoh original Rockhopper printhead (number..

Mutoh ValueJet VJ-1324 / VJ-1624 / VJ-1624W / VJ-1924W Printhead-DG-42987


Mutoh ValueJet VJ-1324 / VJ-1624 / VJ-1624W / VJ-1924W Printhead-DG-42987

USD 644.00

Mutoh ValueJet VJ-1324 / VJ-1624 / VJ-1624W / VJ-1924W Printhead-DG-42987To be used with: Mutoh ValueJet 1324 / ValueJet1624 / ValueJet 1624W / ValueJet 1924WRemarks: Original..

Mutoh VJ-1204 / VJ-1304 / VJ-1604 / VJ-1604W / VJ-1608 Printhead (DX5) -DF-49684


Mutoh VJ-1204 / VJ-1304 / VJ-1604 / VJ-1604W / VJ-1608 Printhead (DX5) -DF-49684

USD 570.00

Mutoh VJ-1204 / VJ-1304 / VJ-1604 / VJ-1604W / VJ-1608 printhead (DX5) -DF-49684To be used with:  VJ-1204, VJ-1304, VJ-1604, VJ-1604W, VJ-1608, VJ-1614Remarks: OriginalPart no..

Mutoh VJ-1608 Hybrid Printhead Assy - DG-42386


Mutoh VJ-1608 Hybrid Printhead Assy - DG-42386

USD 850.00

Mutoh VJ-1608 Hybrid Printhead AssyThe Mutoh VJ-1608H print head is suitable for the Mutoh ValueJet 1608H solvent printers. The Mutoh VJ-1608H print head has a native resolution of..

Mutoh VJ-1618 Printhead-DG-41914


Mutoh VJ-1618 Printhead-DG-41914

USD 659.00

Mutoh VJ-1618 Printhead-DG-41914To be used with: Mutoh VJ-1618, Mutoh VJ-1618W, Mutoh VJ-1618KRemarks: OriginalThis new Epson print head is suitable for Mutoh ValueJet 1618 series ..

Mutoh VJ-1628TD / VJ-2628TD Printhead-DG-42771


Mutoh VJ-1628TD / VJ-2628TD Printhead-DG-42771

USD 685.00

Mutoh ValueJet 1628TD/2628TD Printhead-DG-42771To be used with: Mutoh Valuejet 1628TD / Valuejet 2628TD Remarks: Original..

Mutoh VJ-1638 / VJ-1638W / VJ-2638 Printhead


Mutoh VJ-1638 / VJ-1638W / VJ-2638 Printhead

USD 658.00

Mutoh ValueJet VJ-1638 / VJ-1638W / VJ-2638 Printhead-DG-43345To be used with: Mutoh Valuejet 1638 / Valuejet 1638W / Valuejet 2638 Remarks: Original..

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