Xaar Printhead

Xaar Head Personality Card 3 (HPC3) - XP55500037


Xaar Head Personality Card 3 (HPC3) - XP55500037

USD 125.00

The slimline Xaar Head Personality Card 3 far right (Xaar HPC3 HV) provides optimal and dependable data communication between a Xaar 1003 printhead and the remainder of the digital..

Xaar Print Manager XPM-12 - XP55500032


Xaar Print Manager XPM-12 - XP55500032

USD 900.00

Xaar Print Manager XPM-12 - XP55500032The Xaar Print Manager (XPM) delivers the high performance and advanced functionality expected by designers of today’s highly innovative indus..

Xaar Proton 382 / 60 Printhead


Xaar Proton 382 / 60 Printhead

USD 465.00

Xaar Proton 382/60 printheadRemarks: Original..

Xaar Proton 382/35 Printhead


Xaar Proton 382/35 Printhead

USD 400.00

Xaar Proton 382/35 printheadTo be used with: Wit-color Ultra3000 4H, WIT-COLOR ULTRA3000 6H, WIT-COLOR ULTRA3000 8H, MYJET WD3216XR60, MYJET WD3212XR60,Remarks: Original..

Xaar XUSB Drive Electronics System XP55500016


Xaar XUSB Drive Electronics System XP55500016

USD 750.00

Xaar XUSB Drive Electronics System XP55500016Xaar’s XUsB drive electronics (de) system is a flexible, cost-effective, easy-to integrate solution designed to drive Xaar’s complete r..

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